About Us
Landlab projects offer an attractive alternative to sprawling suburban planning, and are proof positive that investments in thoughtful urban design and high quality architecture are rewarded by healthier, more vibrant communities. We know the benefits of innovation, harness the advantages of good design, and minimize the risks associated with developing land.

A boutique land development firm with offices in Canada and the United States, Landlab is made up of a small, close-knit team that takes on ambitious projects and is dedicated to the creation of meaningful places.
Meet our team
The highest quality people building the highest quality communities.
Sean McAdam
Founder & President
Jules Ribi
Vice President, Design, Product Development & Implementation
Alex Barrette
Vice President, Sales, Finance & Business Development
Toby Root
Marketing Manager
Nathalie Bouffard
Architectural Technologist
BenoƮt Dansereau
Site Manager - Hendrick Farm
Julio Rodriguez
Groundskeeper - Hendrick Farm